Grup 14|

I got the oportunity to work on this project from almost the start. They contacted me to design and develop the new website. This project helped me learn a lot about web design, probably the one that helped me the most of all the ones I worked with. I discovered Sass, Sublime Text, Bolt, Flexbox (thanks Aagat), tools that I'm going to be using in many of my future projects.

The Grup 14 Starting XI

Or just a geeky way to show what I used to build it.

Logo design

Grup 14 (or Clan Sunyol, what the group was called when I joined) had another designer before I came in. He designed all these iterations and the initial version of what would become the final logo. When we settled for "Grup 14", I removed the ball, put a 14 inside a circle instead and added 14 red lines.

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Initial web design

We kept changing the main page, changing the featured articles at the top, going for different sections... getting at the point where everyone at the Grup was satisfied of what we designed.

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First released version

We launched the site in March, 2015. The site was responsive (you must support mobile devices nowadays) and featured different pages for each article category, about page, contact page... But eventually, we felt the need to improve this design and implement many improvements.

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2.0 Redesign

Launched in August, 2015, the 2.0 redesigned featured a new sidebar, improved design for each category, moved from images to icon font for most of the icons in the site... I also adjusted the max-width to take advantage of HD and 4K screens. I also implemented the site-wide search with jQuery.

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